Tuesday, September 25, 2012


As a major fan of Gretchen Rubin's, "The Happiness Project",  I eagerly awaited the recent publication of her follow up: "Happier At Home: Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon a Project, Read Samuel Johnson, and My Other Experiments in the Practice of Every Day Life".  It was inspired by an epiphany she had while unloading her dishwasher - a feeling of intense homesickness while right in her own home, with her family nearby.

It may sound a bit hard to grasp, but Gretchen describes her feeling as a "pre-emptive nostalgia", the awareness that this moment in time, while she has her family together, is fleeting.  "Of all the elements of a happy life," she thought, "my home is the most important."

In the same style as her previous book, she starts in September (which she calls the new January) and spends an entire school year devoted to a deeper understanding of her possessions, marriage, time and parenthood, among others.

Full disclosure: while it happens to be right up my alley, Gretchen Rubin takes an uber-analytical approach, described as a "signature blend of memoir, science, philosophy, and experimentation".

Much happiness to all!


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