Wednesday, February 1, 2012


"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..."  Though Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnet was intended for her true love, it may describe our current obsession with our Smart phones.

Flat tire? AAA is on the line in seconds.  Desperate for that movie ticket? Fandango to the rescue.  Family emergency? Indebted to the connection.

But like many things we love, there can be a dark side, especially for our children.  There may be no better time for "everything in moderation" than in our tech-heavy existence.  (Check out this mom's six-month experiment).

Let's practice what we preach as we try to encourage a healthy balance for our children.  I previously posted about Gretchen Rubin's fabulous Happiness Project, and continue to enjoy her practical insights on how to navigate our contemporary culture.


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