Monday, February 25, 2013


Every now and then one of my children says something that stops me in my tracks. A year ago it was my little guy and his "Patience Power". Yesterday it was my daughter's turn.  It went something like this:

"Are you okay?"
"Sure. Why?" I asked.
"Every now and then you take a big breath".

Yikes... full disclosure: it also happened earlier in the day on a Staples run with two in tow as the littlest squirmed on the checkout counter.  I gave myself a break on that one, but when I was busted that same afternoon in my own home, I knew it was time for a change.

And I was actually relieved when I realized how long it had been since I carved out the time to take a deep breathe.  Those sighs are a sign.  I forgot how much I used to enjoy using the precious first few moments of a morning as a clean slate.  It's a quick chance to read some inspirational words, or a  minute or two of meditation - or better yet both!

It dawned on me that these two lessons from my children are related.  I guess it's not just the kids that need reminders :)


  1. Love this message! Those little eyes see so much more than we think.

  2. Yikes... full disclosure: it also happened earlier in the day on a Staples run with two in tow as the littlest squirmed on the checkout counter. I gave myself a break on that one, but when I was busted that same afternoon in my own home, I knew it was time for a change.
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