Tuesday, January 24, 2012


There is nothing better than the season's first sled.  The gear, gloves, and looks of sheer delight are priceless.  But there's the other fun fact - after making the trek outside - a cozy day inside feels earned.  What to do?  Board games are a personal favorite, and although it never seems to happen enough, to me there is nothing better than playing a game with the kids.  And a post-tuck-in backgammon battle on this board would be icing on the cake.  Here are a few of our faves: 
For Pre-Readers: Zingo and I Spy
Super for Solo Play: Rush Hour Jr. and Rush Hour
Kids Can Play: Yahtzee Jr  and  Mastermind Jr. 
As a Family: Yahtzee  and Parcheesi
For the Grown Ups:  Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase
Your turn! 


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