Monday, January 16, 2012


My significant has always been a huge fan of music, and our daughter is following right along.  But seeing the physical reaction that music has on my littlest guy stops me in my tracks: eyes wide as saucers - head bopping - hands clapping - legs kicking - and his two-toothed grin wide as can be.  Music makes us all feel good, and although there are some parts of the pre-tech world I miss dearly (bookstores, camera shops, movie stores) music is an area where there is lots of fun to be had.  Get out the chargers and the docking stations, passwords and plugs, and take the time to dive deep into iTunes to build up your playlists.  For kids music the whole family can groove to have some Dan Zanes and Ziggy Marly on hand, but make sure to snag some time to surf for your own current favorites along with some oldies but goodies.  And just in case you're looking for a laugh? Here's a bit of humor and music colliding - love that Adele and thank you SNL!


  1. Music makes us all feel good, and although there are some parts of the pre-tech world I miss dearly (bookstores, camera shops, movie stores) music is an area where there is lots of fun to be had.
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